Reluctant Conversations: ON SUPERPOWERS
Joseph is a neuromuscular physical therapist, rehabilitating painful conditions and building emotional wellbeing. He is also a volunteer for men's groups, running sessions on emotional literacy and vulnerability.
In this episode we discuss neurodiversity, finding and recognising superpowers in people, and how embracing shadow work benefits not just oneself, but those around us. Click Here to listen....

Colour Outside the Lines Podcast
I co-host this podcast with Lisa Hughes! We discuss a wide variety of subjects with our interesting guests. Enjoy listening and if you have any questions, feedback or a suggestion for a new guest, please reach out via the contact page. You can find our podcast on Apple podcast, Spotify and on the Podbean app. Or you can listen to it below.

I have a chat with Clare about being a neuro-muscular physical therapist and all about the importance of our ‘fascia’.

"Anyone who brings dark chocolate and myofascial release instruments to the podcast studio is an instant friend of mine. Thank you Joe!
Joseph Devlin has recently moved back to Ireland after spending 7 years of running a successful sports massage practice in Aberdeen, working with some of Scotland’s top athletes.
I'm so glad I got to learn from this lovely chap. I hope you enjoy this chat."

Wandering into wellness with Lydia & Finn
Click here to listen ...
Joseph is a neuromuscular physical therapist who evolved his practice from a more traditional physical therapy background, and we had a great chat that talked about the issues with the current paradigm of safe touch, how society is losing its ability to stay connected and what this means for us in terms of physical and emotional health, and also got a taste of Joseph's desire to be a change maker, what made him give up physio, and what brought him back to it after a few years building mud huts.